insheet using "C:\Users\ahorenstein\Desktop\IR Directors Council\STATA Example\CS_G2_Subgroups_Copy.csv" * estimate logistic regression and pscore logit cs usip_participation with27mohsgrad sp10 sp11 sp12 fa10 fa11 need_rem_r need_rem_w need_rem_m1 need_rem_m2 score_r score_w score_m1 score_m2 score_r_impute score_w_impute score_m1_impute score_m2_impute bcc csi qbcc kbcc bmcc hostos amerindian white black hispanic female non_english_dummy missinglanguage_dummy non_us_dummy missingcountry_dummy log_age gedrecode b_bronx b_brooklyn b_manhattan b_queens b_si medianhouseholdincome predict propen ** This is where I modify the propensity score in order to force match on the sg_ft_rm variable gen propen2=sg_ft_rm*10+propen * set seed set seed 1000 * sort randomly prior to doing a 1:1 match, in case there are multiple control cases with the same propensity score generate x=uniform() sort x * 1:1 matching without replacement, with caliper of .2 psmatch2 cs, pscore(propen2) caliper(0.2) noreplacement descending sort _id g match=oirastudentid[_n1] g treat=cs_student_id if _nn==1 drop if treat==""